Young or old, we do our best to make you feel comfortable.
Sounds & smells
so you walk into our office and you hear the buzz of the dental handpieces and you can smell something weird. Let’s talk about that.Air purification units:
You’ll notice that we’ve got air purification units on all day – this is to ensure we’re all breathing the cleanest air possible – your lungs will thank you for stopping in our office.Compressor:
We also have a compressor going in our back room. The compressor gives life to our office by allowing us to do things like move our chairs up and down, send clean distilled water straight to your op and open cupboards without using our hands by kicking a button on the floor. Ok, let’s get to itthe handpieces:
these aren’t like the drills in your dad’s toolbox. These are efficient dental tools that do everything from polishing off some stain on your tooth with a gentle rubber cup to removing a soft cavity from your tooth with a diamond bur. The tips are small and they go exactly where we need them to be. There is no need to be alarmed if you see one of these – our team are professionals and they’ve got the steadiest hands in the game.Bad Past Dental Experiences
it may not have even been your bad experience, it may have been someone you know who shared something that happened in the past and their fear has rubbed off on you. It turns out many parents have a fear of dentists… and they pass it along to their kids. Hey parents! Pass on those beautiful eyes or genius ability at solving math problems not your fear of dentists.
Talk to us about your fears. We are actually a friendly bunch and will try hard to build up your trust in dentists.
If there is something about your teeth that embarrasses you, this should not be a fear to come to us but a reason to come to us. But hey, we still get it: being self conscious is just part of being human.
Step through our doors, we’ll take you by the hand and let us get your confidence back. Not only will you be happier, you’ll be healthier. Believe us, there isn’t anything we haven’t seen!
Previous (sexual) Abuse
Some people do have a history of being a victim and we understand this. We are here for you and you are in control of your appointment. There are triggers in a dental office that we understand can contribute to the sensitivity of your past and we will be nothing but empathetic and understanding while we work together to get past this, with you.
If you’ve got a dental fear – tell us about it, mention it on the phone or at your first visit. It helps us take our best steps to ensure you’re comfortable. true north Dental Centre is a judgement-free zone and we walk in the door each day to take care of you.
We might find something
Yes, it happens. it’s no secret that people walk into the dental office for a regular checkup and learn there is something that needs to be fixed. Dental cavities are the second most common disease worldwide – comfortable yet? Well, what we’re saying is pretty much everyone has or has had a cavity. The important thing to note is, get it while it’s small. By not going in for routine dental checkups, you risk these little unnoticed things turning into larger more problematic issues. See it like an oil change for your car, get the routine work done and save yourself a new engine… did that make sense?
Well, we’re not car mechanics, but you get the drift! Also, we will book an appointment for work that needs to be done, so no worries that we will get to work right away! We can also tell you how we make the “repair” as comfortable as possible for you the next time you come in.
So, if you’ve got a dental fear – tell us about it, mention it on the phone or at your first visit. It helps us take our best steps to ensure you’re comfortable. true north Dental Centre is a judgement-free zone and we walk in the door each day to take care of you.